Spiritual and Financial Accountability are very important to Miracles House Church. Miracles House Church / Casa de Milagros has been legally established as a 501 c3 non-profit organization according to all IRS standards and regulations. It is structured with both a Board of Directors as well as a Spiritual Board of Advisors also known as an Accountability Board. Miracles House Church Inc submits a full financial anual report by an independent, third party book keeping and accounting firm, as well as an operational anual report to its board members.
Pastor Dr. Mike Cowen is the Dean of Students of Warrior Notes School of Ministry, an accredited Christian School with over 35,000 students by Kevin & Kathy Zadai. Mike and his beautiful wife Christine serve as Senior Associate Pastors at Antioch Community Church in Concord, North Carolina and are the parents of 4 wonderful children.
Pastor Ryan Bruss is the Senior Leader of Antioch Community Church at Concord, NC. Is the Leader of Warrior Fellowships & Author of books such as: "Carrying the Presence" and "Living Loved". Ryan has had the privilege of traveling to many countries, seeing people saved, healed, and delivered! With a passion for revival and the Father heart of God, he has seen the power of God in salvations, prophecy, and miracles - from house churches to open-air meetings. Ryan and his beautiful wife Megan have been married for over 23 years and have two wonderful kids, Elianna and Andrew.